What Is Going On In The Spirit Realm Right Now In 2024

 What is happening in the spirit world. In recent years, we have all witnessed a series of events that have been at times difficult to process. The world has faced crises, conflicts, natural disasters and challenges on an almost unprecedented scale, especially in the last five years. Switch on the news and you are overcome by a tsunami of headlines that attempt to evoke a sense of apprehension. But this fear is not confined to the physical world alone. There's a palpable tension in the spiritual realm to the echoes of global events reverberate louder in the spirit world, amplifying the feelings and emotions we experience in our daily lives. To understand the current state of the spirit world, it's crucial to recognize the power of fear. Fear, in its essence, is more than just an emotion. It's a spiritual force. And like all forces, it can be harnessed, manipulated, and used. In the spiritual realm, fear becomes a tool, a weapon in the hands of the enemy to keep souls in bondage, paralyze faith, and distort reality. Fear is a tactic of Satan. Fear is a weapon of Satan, and this weapon of Satan has been used with increased regularity as the world grapples with its present challenges. There are Christians who are listening to me right now whose lives are being ruined by fear. Their lives are being dictated, decimated and destroyed by fear. They are living with a heaviness or a sort of oppressive atmosphere lately. And this is not just unique to Christians. Even unbelievers are struggling with fear lately.

 It's no coincidence there are people listening to me right now who are struggling to sleep, struggling to think straight, struggling to even enjoy their family or their life because of fear. There are people experiencing nightmares because of fear. Night after night. They are having the same dream over and over again. They are not experiencing the peace of God, the peace that surpasses all understanding because of fear. There are people who are literally sitting up late at night, stressed and fearful over world events that are unfolding, events they have no control over.

 What if this happens in the world? What if this happens in my life? What will I do? Where will I go? The Apostle Paul in second Timothy one seven said, For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. The Scripture is a potent reminder of our spiritual heritage and the tools we've been equipped with to combat fear. It is important to note that fear did not come from God. If it doesn't come from God, it comes from Satan. And it's as if over the last week, he has pumped the world with a strong dose of fear. It is clear to see that this is what is happening in the spirit world. More and more fear is being pumped into the world. But my reminder for you today is that God is on his throne. Everything. Everything you see happening in the world is under his watch and his control. God has not fallen asleep at the wheel and Satan has not taken over. God knows what is going on in the world. He knows about every person who is born, and he knows about every person who dies. He knows every conversation and every decision made before it happens. God is still in control. Nothing. Nothing happens without his approval. Do not fear what the government in your nation does. God is in control. Do not fear what a government in another nation does. God is in control. Do not fear the fact that you are witnessing the beginning of sorrows unfold before your eyes. Do not fear that you are living in the end of days. Do not fear that you are living in the book of revelation. Do not fear as you witness wars and rumors of wars. Do not fear as you witness nation against nation and kingdom against kingdom. Do not fear as you see famines and earthquakes in various places. God knows your name. He is watching over you. Every step you take. He is right there with you. When doubts cloud your mind, remember God's promises are true. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. His love for you is unchanging. Even in your darkest hour, his light shines brightest. You are not alone in your battles. God fights for you when the world turns against you, God stands for you. His word is your sword, your shield, your strength. No matter the storms you face, God is your refuge.
 He is your strong tower against the enemy. When you are weak in him, you are strong. Your tests will turn into testimonies. Every trial, every tear, every pain is known to him. He collects your tears and turns them into triumphs. The enemy may try, but he can never win against God's own. You are more than a conqueror through Christ. When fear knocks on your door, faith will answer every mountain you face. God can move every valley you walk through. He walks with you. There is no pit so deep that God's love isn't deeper still. Your faith can move mountains. Your hope is anchored in Christ in the midst of chaos. You can have peace because God gives a peace that surpasses all understanding. Even when you don't understand, trust that God does. His plans for you are for good and not for evil. Your identity is in Christ, not in this world. You are a child of the King. You are royalty, chosen and adopted into God's family. You have a purpose, a destiny, a future in him. Your value is not based on the opinions of men, but on the Word of God. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. God sees you, hears you, and loves you unconditionally. Stand tall. Stand firm. Hold fast to your faith, for your reward is great in heaven. Eyes have not seen. Ears have not heard. What God has in store for you. Rejoice always. Pray without ceasing, for your God is with you always. Now, rather than focusing on the fear of what is going on in the world, I want to help you overcome the fears people have in their own life.  Child of God, I want you to anchor your heart in Isaiah 43 two, a promise that is both timeless and timely, a promise that reverberates with as much power today as it did when it was first spoken. The Scripture says, when you pass through the waters, I will be with you. And when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned. The flames will not set you ablaze. Now, I don't know what waters you're passing through today, but I want to remind you that you're not passing through them alone. The same God that parted the Red sea.

 The same God that held back the Jordan River for Joshua and the Israelites, is the same God who's holding back the floods of life that threaten to overwhelm you right now. He's saying you might be in deep waters, but they won't drown you because I am with you. And if you find yourself in the fires of life, facing situations that are trying to burn you, strip away your hope or consume your joy. Remember that the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego who walked with them in the fiery furnace is the same God walking with you. The flames that the enemy meant for harm will not touch you, for you have a fireproof covering by the Holy Spirit. See, you might be asking me, okay, pastor, why do I have to go through the waters in the fires? Well, beloved, sometimes it's through the trials and tribulations that our faith is refined. Just like gold is purified in the fire. So are we in the furnace of our trials. But here's the good news. God doesn't put us in the fire to harm us, but to mold us, shape us, and bring out the best in us. There's purpose in your pain. There's testimony in your trial, and there's victory in your valley. I need somebody to grab hold of this truth today. Your situation might be hot, but it's not too hot for God. Your waters might be deep, but they're not too deep. For the God who walks on water. For every tear you shed. God is collecting. For every night of sorrow. Joy is promised in the morning for every enemy that rises against you. God is your defender, standing tall beside you. Isaiah reminds us that no matter the season, no matter the situation, God is with us. The presence of problems doesn't mean the absence of God. Even in the darkest nights. He's the light that guides us when the world shouts it's over! God whispers, I've just begun. He's turning your mess into a message, your test. Into a testimony. Child of God, we serve a God who isn't intimidated by the magnitude of our problems. When you walk with the assurance that God is with you, waters can't drown you and fires can't burn you.

 John 10 27 through 28. My sheep hear my voice and I know them. And they follow me, and I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish. Neither shall anyone snatch them out of my hand. Thank God. Thank God my salvation is not in the hands of anyone else but his hands. My life is in his hands. My salvation is in his hands. My hopes are in his hands. My dreams are in his hands. No one, not a single person, can snatch me out of his hands.

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