The apocalyptic passage: before the second coming of Christ

The apocalyptic passage: before the second coming of Christ 

 The apocalyptic passage of Second Thessalonians. Chapter two reveals to us what will happen before the second coming of the Lord. 2 THESSALONIANS 2:3-4, LET NO MAN DECEIVE YOU BY ANY MEANS, FOR THAT DAY SHALL NOT COME EXCEPT THERE COME A FALLING AWAY FIRST AND THAT MAN OF SIN BE REVEALED. THE SON OF PERDITION. WHO OPPOSETH AND EXALTETH HIMSELF ABOVE ALL THAT IS CALLED GOD, OR THAT IS WORSHIPPED SO THAT HE AS GOD SITTETH IN THE TEMPLE OF GOD, SHOWING HIMSELF THAT HE IS GOD. The two Bible verses tell us that before the coming of the Lord Jesus. Two things need to happen. One, Paul literally said, Jesus will not come until there is a great falling away in the church. Two The man of sin, which is the Antichrist in person. The reveal of the man of sin. 

The Scriptures foretell the emergence of an individual in history who will be influenced by Satan and will bring deception to many. This person will particularly deceive those who reject the truth, utilizing deceptive miracles to mislead them. Known as the man of sin or the son of perdition, he will be a master deceiver capable of misleading people from all walks of life, from the highest to the lowest, the educated to the uneducated, influential leaders, to ordinary citizens, those with religious or secular beliefs. None will be immune to his deception. The Antichrist's activities will be shrouded in mystery, fueled by the hidden power of Satan and accompanied by counterfeit miracles, false signs and deceitful wonders. The source of the antichrist's deceptive power lies in the depths of hell, as he is energized by the God of deception himself.

 This dark force will grant him the ability to carry out his deceitful agenda, leading multitudes astray and causing great confusion and spiritual harm. He will exploit the weaknesses and vulnerabilities of humanity, appealing to their desires and preying on their lack of discernment. The man of sin will be an unprecedented figure in the world's history. He will eventually be revealed and will exalt himself. Above all, that is considered godly. He will boldly position himself as a replacement for God in people's lives, becoming an idol to be worshipped. Satan's desire to be worshiped will be fulfilled through this man of sin as he deceives humanity and presents himself as their savior. 

This deceptive figure will promise his followers peace and joy in the present world, rather than focusing on the hope of heaven or a future world. He will convince people that he possesses what they need in the here and now, luring them into his society where they will be required to receive his mark in order to engage in buying and selling. Here lies one of the many differences between Jesus and the Antichrist. Jesus did not direct people's attention solely to the present moment. He understood and emphasized the temporary nature of this world. Jesus consistently pointed people towards the eternal Kingdom of Heaven, reminding them of the glory of his father's house. He encouraged them to set their minds on things above and not be solely preoccupied with earthly matters. However, the world we live in today is consumed by a focus on the present life.

 People are fixated on the immediate. Neglecting to consider what comes after this life. Many devote considerable time and energy to planning for retirement and seeking financial security. Failing to recognize that retirement is not guaranteed yet. One thing that is absolutely certain is eternity. Every individual will spend eternity in either heaven or hell. 2 CORINTHIANS 4:4 THE GOD OF THIS AGE HAS BLINDED THE MINDS OF UNBELIEVERS SO THAT THEY CANNOT SEE THE LIGHT OF THE GOSPEL THAT DISPLAYS THE GLORY OF CHRIST. WHO IS THE IMAGE OF GOD? The message of the Gospel compels us to contemplate eternity and confront the truth that the present moment is not everlasting.

 The God of this age has veiled the minds of those who do not believe, preventing them from seeing the illuminating light of the gospel that reveals the glorious nature of Christ. In due time, the man of sin will be unveiled, captivating a lost world and claiming to be the source of all their hopes and the remedy for all their wounds. He will audaciously present himself as God by making assertations that are exclusive to a deity. Furthermore, he will demand adoration that is reserved solely for God. Year after year, numerous theories arise concerning the identity of the man of sin. One moment he is speculated to be a president, the next a prime minister and then a wealthy businessman. Yet when the man of sin emerges on the global stage, there will be no difficulty in recognizing his true nature as the Antichrist.

 The second thing Paul said will happen before the coming of Christ is that there is a great falling away in the church. The identity of the man of sin, the Antichrist, remains undisclosed, while certain biblical scholars suggest that he may be alive in our present time, this assertation, though plausible, cannot be definitively confirmed. Nevertheless, one certainty remains. The spirit of the Antichrist is already present in the world, according to First John Chapter four, verses two through three. We can discern the Spirit of God by acknowledging that Jesus Christ came in human form, thereby affirming our connection to God. Conversely, any spirit that fails to recognize Jesus is not of God, but emanates from the spirit of the Antichrist. 

This spirit has been prophesied to arise in the world and is already active within it. Observing the world around us, we can discern the spirit of the Antichrist at work in various realms. It is evident in governments, the entertainment industry, news channels, businesses and even educational institutions. By examining the direction society is heading and the values being glorified, the presence of the Antichrist spirit becomes apparent in different aspects of our lives. Regrettably, this spirit has also infiltrated churches with the propagation of unbiblical doctrines and the emergence of new religions associated with the Antichrist in the present age. Caution is essential as not everything claiming to be Christian aligns with the truth. It is vital to discern the authenticity of Christian music for a significant portion may not truly reflect Christian values. Similarly, not every individual who stands behind a pulpit holding a Bible is genuinely born again.

 The Bible forewarns us that some will deviate from the faith, succumbing to deceiving spirits and embracing false teachings. Thus, it should not come as a surprise when we encounter churches promoting false doctrines or witnessing unfortunate occurrences within them. The Bible has explicitly informed us of these eventualities. The spirit of the Antichrist seeks to deceive even those chosen ones of God, contributing to a great falling away from the truth. False doctrines and teachings which are already present in the church will be instrumental in achieving this. These teachings will appear convincing, causing people to reject the truth of the Gospel. They will provide a license for indulging in sinful desires and living in a state of sin. 

Within the church, numerous false teachers will arise disseminating erroneous doctrines and teachings. These individuals will not emerge from the world, rather, they will come from within the church itself. It is disheartening to realize that even trusted teachers can allow the spirit of Antichrist to influence their hearts. An illustrative example of this occurred several years ago when a group of preachers within the church began spreading false teachings regarding grace, salvation and the Kingdom of God. Their doctrine placed an excessive emphasis on God's grace, distorting it into an excuse for unrestricted sin. They propagated the notion that God, in his abundant grace and compassion, would not be concerned if his children persisted in a lifestyle of perpetual sin. This distorted teaching quickly gained popularity, spreading across churches as it granted believers the freedom to live according to worldly desires.

 It was alarming to witness how readily many believers embraced this false teaching and propagated it to others. The allure of this teaching was the alignment with the desires and preferences of individuals. However, it must be recognized as a false doctrine as it led believers into sin and led them astray from the truth of God's Word. Moreover, the Word of God in Romans Chapter six, verses one through two, warns against abusing the grace of God as a license for sinning. What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? God forbid. How shall we that are dead to sin? Live longer therein. 

Any teaching that inspires or gives the liberty to sin is a teaching from the spirit of Antichrist and is heading towards the falling away of the church. Perpetual life of sin will cause a believer to backslide. Accepting false teaching shows our lack of understanding about the Word of God and the doctrine of God that we claim to believe. You see, teachings like that are inspired by the spirit of Antichrist to fulfill the scriptures that say, quote, except there come a falling away first and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped so that he as God sitteth in the Temple of God, showing himself that He is God. Therefore, as believers, there is a great need for us to be prayerful, vigilant and stand on our watch. So the spirit of Antichrist through false teachings won't snatch us away from God.

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