4 Unusual Indicators That Confirm You Have Truly Heard the Voice of God

4 Unusual Indicators That Confirm You Have Truly Heard the Voice of God

If you experience these peculiar occurrences, it is often a sign that you have genuinely heard the voice of God.

#1. Confirmation of Internal Warnings through External Evidence Indicates You Have Heard the Voice of God

Have you ever had an instinctive feeling about someone upon meeting them for the first time? Occasionally, our initial impressions are incorrect, and the person turns out to be a true believer. However, there are instances when your intuition proves to be accurate. How can you discern whether your gut feeling about someone is from God?

The only way to truly confirm if an internal warning is from God is to wait and observe if it is supported by external evidence (Deuteronomy 18:21-22). Therefore, when you feel warned about something, it is wise to proceed with caution. Allow God the opportunity to correct you if you misinterpreted His message (James 4:6). However, do not disregard what you have sensed, especially if it is uncommon for you to have such experiences.

If you constantly feel warned about everything, it is likely your own mind grappling with fears. But if you seldom have such impressions and suddenly receive an internal warning about something, it could be the voice of God.

#2. Validation of Internal Positive Messages through External Evidence Suggests You Have Heard the Voice of God

The principles discussed earlier regarding receiving warnings from God also apply to receiving positive "words" from Him. When I mention "receiving a word from God," I do not imply that this type of "word" is equivalent to "the word of God." Unlike the Scriptures, your personal "word from God" may be untrue or simply misinterpreted by you.

However, I do believe that the Holy Spirit often imparts a "word" to guide us in the right direction. Yet, it is essential to proceed cautiously. If you receive a positive message about a situation or a person, allow God time to correct you if you were mistaken. Seek additional confirmation from external evidence and apply biblical principles.

Over time, if this internal word from God proves to be true through its actual occurrence, you will realize that it truly came from the Lord.

#3. When Someone Meets an Unexpressed Need or Provides Guidance for an Unshared Problem, It Often Signifies God Speaking to You Through That Person

Never try to use other individuals as mediators between yourself and God. You do not need anyone to fulfill that role since Jesus has already done so (1 Timothy 2:5). One of the promises in the New Covenant is that God Himself will teach us what He wants us to know.

However, it is important not to neglect one of the main means of God's grace – His church. Frequently, God chooses to bless His people through other people. As James 1:17 states, "Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, who does not change like shifting shadows."

Therefore, if something good comes to you through another person, you can be confident that it was given to you by God through that individual (Colossians 3:16-17). God desires us to share our needs with others so they can assist us and so that we can help them. Nevertheless, there are instances when God uses people to help us with something we never even disclosed to them (Acts 9:10-19).

#4. When You Have Taken Wise Steps but Are Not Achieving the Expected Results, It Often Signifies God Speaking to You

God wants His people to be wise, as evident throughout the book of Proverbs. The Bible repeatedly teaches that if we take wise action A, outcome B will usually follow (not always).

However, it is important to remember the truth emphasized in James 1:17, that every good thing ultimately comes from the Lord. This is why sometimes you can take all the "right actions" and yet not obtain the desired outcome. It is helpful to recognize that Proverbs offers principles rather than guarantees. While wise action A often leads to outcome B, there are exceptions.

There may be times when you work diligently but do not receive the promotion you expected. You may pursue someone in a godly manner, and yet they may not reciprocate your feelings. You may strive to remain sexually pure before marriage, pray for a godly spouse, and still find yourself single for longer than anticipated.

When you find yourself taking wise steps but not achieving the desired results, it is advisable to step back and seek guidance from the Lord. He could be using these unusual circumstances to communicate something to you, even though you are doing the right thing but not experiencing the typical outcomes associated with such actions.

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