What is Biblical Fasting? and Reasons why biblical fasting is important to us

What is Biblical Fasting? and Reasons why biblical fasting is important to us

What is Biblical Fasting? and Reasons why biblical fasting is important to us

Given the range of beliefs, Christianity itself is considered a religion. Different denominations also believe at least in part – is not Christian prayer and fasting. The Bible has shown that prayer and fasting help maintain a relationship with God.

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Fasting and prayer are not just for biblical days. Fasting and praying are still key to developing a closer bond with God. It’s important now more than ever that we spend time connecting with God.

Content outline 

- What is Biblical Fasting? 

- Fasting Reasons 

- Reasons why people fast in the bible

- How Does Fasting Benefit Us?

- How to finish your fast in a healthy way

What is biblical fasting?

Biblical fasting can be seen as the spiritual discipline and abstinence from intake of food for a certain period. fast is taught in the Bible by Christ Jesus as a guide to grow spiritually and to benefit from God daily.  Jesus teaches his followers how to fast in the Bible ; 

"When you give up eating, don't put on a sad face like the hypocrites. They make their face look sad to show people they are giving up eating, I tell you the truth, those hypocrites already have their full reward. So when you give up eating, comb your hair and wash your face. Then people will not know that you are giving up eating, but those whom you cannot see will see you. Your father who sees what is done in secret, and will reward you". Matthew 6:5-6 NCV 

What are the reasons why we fast? 

Biblical fasting has several benefits, but the three main reasons are Biblical requirements, spiritual disciplines, and physical advantages. Biblical fasting can be done for a variety of reasons, including being closer to God, experiencing spiritual liberation, receiving instruction, anticipating Jesus' return, and, of course, maintaining physical health.

Here are the top  reasons for Biblical fasting in detail 

1. Being closer to God. 

One of the spiritual benefits of fasting is for us to draw closer to God, but before we fast, we need to have our hearts cleaned from all forms of sin, if you are still a sinner without repentance then no need to fast because it will not bring you closer to God but wasting of time and effort, only the blood of Jesus can give you genuine repentance. 

So when we fast the holy spirit of God continues to make himself manifest in our lives by being closer to us. When God draws closer to us, you will see results such as spiritual freedom, you always see yourself in the spirit worshiping God without reservation.

2. Experience spiritual liberation 

Biblical fasting is the only way to break the stronghold of life such as addiction or habits that are not of God, when you empty your stomach and tell God your challenges that are holding you down, you have spiritual liberation. Here is what the Bible says; 

Is not this the fast that I choose: to lose the bonds of wickedness, to undo the straps of the yoke, to let the oppressed go free, and to break every yoke?

—Isaiah 58:6

This Bible verse encourages us to fast, not just fast like that but to lose the bonds of wickedness. That is to set people under any captivity free, this can change habits such as sin that holds people down for years without liberation. 

 Others can be oppressed by satan which is what the Bible means by "to undo the straps of the yoke. 

People who are held captive will fast in remembrance of this verse. There are numerous accounts of persons who were imprisoned in sin and broke their fast. This is due to God fulfilling His promise that a genuine spiritual fast will set man free.

3. Receiving instruction 

How do you receive instructions through fasting? When you are fasting, you can receive instructions or inspiration through the words of God, not only praying but reading the Bible can also be the best guide for you when fasting and praying, you need your bible

By your side, meditate on those scriptures and see how Holy Spirit will fill you. Therefore, receiving Holy Spirit is another reason why we make a fast, you can see that in the lives of the apostles, there were indoor praying and the holy spirit descended on them.

Reasons why people fast in the Bible 

Everyone has reasons why they fast, likewise, people of old make fast for various reasons. 

Here are reasons why people make a fast in the Bible 

1. When there are faced with a crisis 

2. There were seeking God's protection and deliverance 

3. They had been called to repentance and renewal 

4. They were asking God for guidance 

5. There were humbling themselves during worship

Read more: How will God judge us on judgment day?

How Does Fasting Benefit Us?

Spiritual fasting provides a wealth of advantages that can enhance both our spiritual and bodily well-being.

We can begin by only skipping one meal, then progress to skipping a complete day. We can gradually demonstrate to our flesh that our spirit is stronger and urge God to play a bigger role in our lives.

Read more: what is Jesus death?, And its importance to humanity 

Here are six spiritual benefits of fasting that you might anticipate, while there are many more.

1. Spiritual fasting aids in the development of the fruit of the spirit in us

2. Spiritual Fasting Allows Us to Hear God's Voice More Clearly

3. Spiritual fasting helps us to renew our gratitude for God's blessings.

4. Spiritual fasting gives our prayers more force.

5. Spiritual Fasting Fosters a Miracle-Producing Environment

6. Spiritual fasting facilitates the ingestion of God's Word.

How to finish your fast in a healthy way 

Most experts agree that breaking a fast with vegetables, either steamed or raw is the best. Your stomach is smaller at this point, so eat lightly. Stop before you feel full. Stay away from starches like pastas, potatoes, rice, or bread except "melba toast". Avoid also meats, dairy products and any fats or oil, introduce them slowly and in smaller amount. 

It is wise to start something nourishing such as vegetables broth made from onions, celery, carrots and fresh fruits such as watermelon.

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