What Is Biblical Discernment?, And Why Is It So Important To Every Born-Again Christian?

What Is Biblical Discernment?,And Why Is It So Important To Every Born-Again Christian?

What Is Biblical Discernment, importance of biblical discernment

Discerning truth from falsehood is a major purpose of the Bible and it's much easier than you might think. It's a process of evaluating all available information in order to determine what is true, what is likely to be true, and what is false. In this article we'll explore how biblical discernment can help you with any difficult decision that comes your way by helping you to find answers to tough questions.

What Is Biblical Discernment And Why Is It So Important To Every Born-Again Christian?

Biblical discernment is the ability to distinguish between right and wrong, truth and error. It's a critical skill for every born-again Christian, because we are called to live according to God's Word and to stand firm against false teaching.

Discernment is not simply a matter of knowing the difference between right and wrong. It also requires wisdom and discretion in applying that knowledge. We need to be able to discern the motives and character of people and situations, so that we can make wise choices about how to respond.

The ability to discern is something that we develop over time, as we grow in our knowledge of God's Word and in our relationship with Him. As we learn to trust His leading, we will find ourselves more able to discern His will for our lives.

If you want to grow in your ability to discern, there are some practical things you can do:

*Pray for wisdom and guidance from the Holy Spirit.

*Seek out godly counsel from mature Christians who can help you see things from a biblical perspective.

*Read Scripture regularly, meditating on its truths and applying them to your life.

*Avoid anything that would dull your senses or lead you astray 

How Does Biblical Discernment Help Christians Remain Steadfast In The Faith?

Biblical discernment is the ability to distinguish between right and wrong, good and evil. It is a crucial ability for every born-again Christian, because it allows us to remain steadfast in our faith despite the many temptations and challenges we face in this world.

Without biblical discernment, we would be easily led astray by false teachers and false doctrines. We would also be more likely to fall into sin, because we would not be able to distinguish between what is right and what is wrong.

Biblical discernment is not something that we are born with; it is something that we must learn. The best way to learn biblical discernment is to study the Bible diligently and to pray for wisdom and guidance from the Holy Spirit.

If you want to grow in biblical discernment, I encourage you to begin by studying the Bible for yourself. Pray for the Holy Spirit to give you wisdom as you study, and ask God to help you apply what you learn to your life.

Why Should Christians Be Concerned About Biblical Discernment?

Discernment is incredibly important for Christians because it is how we determine truth from error. Without discernment, we would be easily led astray by false teachers and false doctrine. We need discernment to protect us from error and false teaching, and to help us grow in our knowledge of the truth.

Who Can We Trust To Guide Us In Areas Where Our Spiritual Life Is At Risk?

There are so many voices out there vying for our attention, and it can be difficult to discern who we should trust. We are bombarded with messages from the media, our friends, our family, and even strangers on the internet telling us what to believe. It can be overwhelming, and sometimes we just want to tune it all out. But as Christians, we cannot afford to do that. We need to be discerning about what we allow into our hearts and minds, because what we believe shapes our actions and determines our eternal destiny.

Read more: Who is God?

So how can we know who to trust? The Bible is clear that we are to test everything against the truth of God's Word (1 Thessalonians 5:21). We are to be like the Bereans, who "examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true" (Acts 17:11). We are also to seek wise counsel from other believers (Proverbs 11:14). When we take the time to do these things, God will give us wisdom and understanding. He will help us sort through the noise and discern His truth.

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