Why We Must Serve God And Love Him More Daily As A Born Again Christian | the love of God | 1 John 4

Why We Must Serve God And Love Him More Daily As A Born Again Christian | the love of God | 1 John 4

Why We Must Serve God And Love Him More Daily As A Born Again Christian | the love of God | 1 John 4
Why We Must Serve God And Love Him More Daily As A Born Again Christian | the love of God | 1 John 4

We are all born into this world with sin, and we have to face the consequences. I believe that we must serve God and love him more days to get a better start on our lives in his kingdom of heaven.

Serve God the way he deserves 

We are saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. However, once we are saved, it is our responsibility to serve God the way he deserves. We must love him more daily as a born-again Christian. It is not enough to simply go to church on Sundays and call ourselves Christians. We must live our lives for Christ every day.

One way we can serve God is by evangelizing. Sharing the gospel with others is one of the most important things we can do. We should be looking for opportunities to share Christ with others every day. We can also serve God by being an example of Christ to others. As Christians, we should be living our lives in such a way that others can see Christ in us. Finally, we can serve God by praying for those who don't know him. Praying for lost loved ones and strangers is one of the greatest things we can do.

So let us all commit to serving God more faithfully each day. Let us love him more deeply and share his love with others.

Declare everyday love for our Father in heaven 

We love because He first loved us (1 John 4:19). The more we get to know Him, the more we realize how awesome and loving He is. Our love for Him should grow each day as we experience His faithfulness and goodness. By showing our love for God, we declare that we are His children and followers. It also motivates us to keep growing in our faith and serving Him.

Seek to know God better and his word more 

One of the main reasons we should serve God and love him more daily is because it allows us to get to know him better. When we serve him, we are spending time with him and learn more about who he is. In addition, reading his word and studying it helps us to understand him more and grow in our relationship with him. As we get to know God better, we see how much he loves us and how good he is. This increases our love for him and motivates us to serve him more.

Focus on who he is and He has done to save us 

We must serve God and love Him more daily because He is our savior. He has done everything to save us, and He deserves our praise and worship.

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