Signs That Holy Spirit Is Living Inside You As A Christian | Holy spirit, what is it.

 Signs That Holy Spirit Is Living Inside You As A Christian.

Signs That Holy Spirit Is Living Inside You As A Christian | Holy spirit, what is it.
Signs That Holy Spirit Is Living Inside You As A Christian | Holy spirit, what is it.

It's important to understand that God is not some distant being that we worship. He is there on the throne, but He also lives inside of us as Christians and it's important to know the signs that show you the Holy Spirit has taken up residence in your life.

Holy Spirit, What is It?

When you become a Christian, the Holy Spirit comes to live inside of you. This is one of the most amazing things that can happen to a person. The Holy Spirit is God himself and when he comes to live inside of you, it's like having God living right inside of you. Here are some signs that the Holy Spirit is living inside you as a Christian:

1. You have a desire to please God.

The Holy Spirit gives us a desire to please God. When we're living in sin, we don't want to please God because we know that our sin will displease him. But when the Holy Spirit comes to live inside of us, we suddenly have a desire to do things that will please God. We want to obey his commands and follow his ways because we know that it will make him happy.

2. You have a hunger for the word of God.

Another sign that the Holy Spirit is living inside of you is a sudden hunger for the word of God. Before, you may not have been too interested in reading the Bible or going to church but now, you can't get enough of it! You find yourself wanting to learn more about what God has to say and

How Does Holy Spirit Work in You?

How Can You Tell if Holy Spirit is Working in You?

The Bible tells us that the Holy Spirit is a gift from God. This means that He is not something we can earn or work for. So how can we tell if Holy Spirit is working in us? The answer is found in Galatians 5:22-23 which says, "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law."

In other words, when we allow Holy Spirit to work through us, it should be evident by the way we treat others. We will be more loving, joyful, peaceful, patient, kind, good, faithful, gentle and self-controlled. This is not to say that we will never sin or that we will be perfect. But as we grow in our relationship with Jesus Christ and allow Holy Spirit to work in us, these fruits should become more and more evident in our lives.

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