7 most deadly sin to avoid

 7 most deadly sin to avoid

A sin is very deadly because it reduces a persons potential of having a precious life full of peace , happiness, usefulness and joy. the sinner is out of the way to fine good because he focused with much obsessions, in that regard becoming tracked minded in the point of missing out on the way of righteousness,  lasting, most important things of life.



      Ponder carefully about the old saying which says, " whatever that goes upward most surely comes down"  when we are down, we always try to pull others down to feel that we always right and above them.  But if all humans can recall that we are equal as humans, not demanding too much attention then to be shameful things with pride to others or puff up with anger. From this we can learn self- centered  relationships is useless and begin living a more productive lifestyle which help the betterment of other people and ourselves

7 most deadly sin
Avoid pride because is one of the most deadly sin.


• When we "INTERACT", we tend to hold the floor as if our opinions are more important than others, instead of saying, "I am not through" or by saying I'm interested in your view toward this matter. quickly stop to hear the person that interrupt you by smiling, so you can speak again when its your turn to talk without being angry. you will notice the conversation will be valuable to everyone involved.

•TIME OF ENJOYMENT we tend to show that we have finer things by displaying them to people instead of humbling ourselves.

• UN-GRATEFUL AFTER COMPLIMENTS; when people  gives compliments to you, they expect you to say "thank you" but you turn them down without regard thinking that their compliments are unnecessary 

THEY DON'T GIVE COMPLIMENTS; some people hate giving  other people compliment of their hard solid work which ought not to be so.


There is a pride called "GOOD PRIDE"  because is pure and that help the betterment of others, our life should be the life of Jesus who is good to emulate.

2. GREEDY: some people are too greedy to the point of wasting food and other things, over desire and over consumption anything to the extend of wasting, it happen not to be so. this very bad and sinful because your desire for excess, this can create way for selfishness.

7 most deadly sin

they are people who are dying of hunger of which you can indirectly help with the little portion of the food you have at your disposal, why don't you help? the poor, the widows, the orphan, when you help, God bless you more!!!.

3. SLOTH. Be careful with regular apathy! On the off chance that we simply lounge around home and not draw in ourselves with others, we become stifled to the world and individuals; it sees less of us, and we see less of it. At the point when we simply lounge around the house eating a sack of chips, watching a lot of TV Show, we become lazy and discouraged and it's difficult to get rolling. Go to the recreation area and go for a stroll, consider an activity club, begin another task or anything you need to do to keep occupied away from your TV, and you will start to feel more overwhelming. So get up off your apathetic... what's more, follow through with something.

7 most deadly sin
Avoid laziness because it weak your minds towards achieving your set goals 

4. TOO MUCH DESIRE: Desire. Tossed at us ordinarily, by turning on the TV, desire and interests are a certain approach to tempting oneself with the smooth, sexy plugs, and seeing that large number of pointless sexual scenes in TV films. At the point when we center around that one showy part of a relationship, sex, we neglect to see the other fine characteristics of harmony, and we might embrace a limited perspective. However, brief period is really spent on sexual action in any continuous relationship; along these lines, contrasted with any remaining quality time spent together it is so fast and little.

Have a go at concentrating endlessly .........when stood up to with such enticements ........ onto doing and getting a charge out of, appreciating all parts of a relationship, then your brain will become more grounded, and you will start to feel an inward harmony. So how to feel improved by not being salacious, one needs to check the master plan out. So don't be the wham thank you mam or humankind of individual. Head out to the films previously or a while later, and partake in some relating time together, and some popcorn; that treat will endure longer than the sex will in any case?

You need to check out at all parts of the relationship. Nobody needs to be utilized for simply actual traits alone, and those can't endure forever, yet the human soul does! At the point when you understand this past the physical, you will turn out to be all the more balanced, and that will cheer you up.

5. ENVY, DESIRING: We can see the value in another's belongings, without undercutting ourselves for what we have. Also, appreciate one for specific characteristics and character that we might want to encapsulate is a certain something ...................... however putting a lot of accentuation on what they have, yet not going after progress or learning gifts causes us to feel terrible. Foster what you can do and be grateful for what you as of now have. LIST your capacities, practical objectives and assets, and you will see that it's much longer than you might anticipate. Try not to invest futile energy over zeroing in on or excessively moved by what another has over you. Acknowledge what somebody has doesn't detract from what you have; so remember your good fortune and not theirs.

6. OUTRAGE (anger). Such horrendous feelings hurt us as in it goes through our essential energy. We become disappointed by not getting everything we could possibly want, and inexplicably, we simply explode. We would rather not let go of getting our decision; we continue to face it. At the point when we don't get what we need, we become baffled, and let go, by talking boisterously, shouting or breaking something, or to top it all off, harming our believability, destroying another person's sentiments by taking our animosity out on them.

Outrage in itself isn't a terrible sin in its temperament, however the manner in which we manage it tends to overcome our great purposes. We don't maintain that it should hurt us or others. It was said by a specialist that we are generally inclined to outrage, yet we should find the most ideal way conceivable to vent that dangerous strain.

One could get a punching pack and get down to business on it, go for an energetic stroll, enjoy some time off from a baffling matter and spotlight on something less upsetting until we quiet down.

7 most deadly sin

Before a gathering, when we become rankled, in such an unforgiving way ............... rather than keeping close by and cracking, bouncing all over, blustering or raving, and proclaiming vulgarities - - simply track down a reason to split away quick. Then, at that point, return a couple of moments to the scene with a more honorable reaction to the circumstance, and you can act and feel improved.

7. VORACITY: Share time, work and exercises ...... give your maximum effort to help others to do competently, and it will cheer us up, staying away from voracity. It's good to have things throughout everyday life, except putting an excess of accentuation on material things, or on making amazing companions, needing a lot of anything of significant worth to us is eagerness. So sharing our live and energy, encounters and nobility with others and you will feel improved inside.

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Anonymous said…
I always follow your blog post,

thanks for letting me know the most 7 deadly sin today in the world