How to Overcome forces of wickedness



And we know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in wickedness.

John 5:19 Ever since the fall of man in the Garden of Eden, the devil has been visiting the world with his wickedness. The above verse simply tells us that every part of the world is living under the bone-cracking weight of the wickedness of the devil.

You don't have to look too far to behold the manifestation of the desperate wickedness that lies in the hearts of men, put there of course by the devil, who is the wicked. Everywhere you turn, today, there is murder, injustice, cheating, Witchcraft and other forms of Wickedness that only the wicked himself can engineer. Yet God's Word makes us to understand that the wicked will do more wickedly still

Revelations 12:12 says: .for the devil is come down to you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time. There is an increase, a multiplication of the wicked deeds of the enemy, because he knows that his time is running out here and that Jesus will soon come to take His beloved people home. He is frantically unleashing his evil vengeance on Gods creation that is why there is noticeable upsurge in wicked deeds the world over. As his time gets shorter daily, he is getting angrier and visiting his wrath upon the human race. Thanks be to God, however, that the story does not end there! Hallelujah! We are not at the devil's mercy. God has made adequate provisions for us to be triumphant, over the evil machinations of the devil.

The first part of our text says And we know that we are of God... This is our plea, our hope. We are born of God and so we have overcome the world (1John 5:4). The wickedness in the world is not meant to have a hold on us. In spite of the evil all around, we are triumphant, because the greater One lives in us. We understand from the scriptures like Numbers 23:23 that the Bible

acknowledges divination, enchantment, witchcraft, etc. They truly exist, but they have no power over the children of God. What is the strength of darkness in the presence of light:No doubt, there is an inherent urge in every natural man to do evil. The Bible says in Jeremiah 17:9: The heart (of man) is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked who can know it?

The thoughts in the heart of a-natural man are evil continually, and it is the devil  that is channelling his wickedness through them. In all of these things, however, we are more than conquerors through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Overcome wickedness


Why is it that two different Christians would react very differently to the same harassment of the devil? The answer lies in the amount of strength each one possesses, and knowledge is the source of strength. ..a man of knowledge increaseth strength.

Proverbs 24:5 It is the knowledge that the enemy cannot hurt you that puts you over him whenever he is trying to flex his muscles around you. Proverbs 24:10 says: If thou faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small.

This truth that you are learning now by the Spirit of God, may not be of much use to you presently, until "the day of adversity" comes. You know that even in the natural, soldiers don't train for warfare at the war front; they conclude their training before they get to the war front. In the same way, soldiers of Christ must increase in knowledge against the days of adversity, so that when the enemy strikes, they will rise up to the occasion and not be chicken-hearted! Nothing can ever take the place of knowledge, which comes via the Word of God. On any issue of life at all, you must never be caught fainting. If you are, then it means that you haven't prepared well in advance and your loins haven't been girded with the truth of God's Word in that area. So, your strength is small. Friend, we are in a battle with forces of darkness, who specialize in perpetrating wickedness. That is why God says:

When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee... When thou walkest through the fire, thou shall not be burned.. Isaiah 43:2 When", not "if". It is certain that the days of adversity will come. The enemy like a lion, will roar around you, but the knowledge of God's Word that you have acquired Over time, will put strength into you, to enable you confront and Overcome him. Stop weeping. Don't be disheartened. Have you ever heard of a soldier, who bursts into tears at the war front at the sound of a gun shot? Well, so what are you doing with tears in your eyes at the threat of your subordinate? A drum full of tears cannot move a molehill. What you need is the knowledge of how to subdue the enemy's incursions. Tears hold no hope for victory. Even God Almighty is not moved by tears. What moves Him is His Word, spoken in faith from a heart full of knowledge.

Knowledge stabilizes and strengthens Isaiah 33:6), while weeping and anxiety destabilizes. When you have knowledge, the things that move others will not move you. You are not a reed planted by the river bank; you are a house built upon the solid rock. Wickedness is multiplying in the earth, but God says there is a way out for His children. Knowledge shows you that way out. Seek after knowledge, therefore, and challenge the forces of wickedness to their faces. Far be it that the Almighty should do wickedness. Anything that prevents what you deserve in God from getting to you constitutes wickedness and God has no hand in it. You must know that. God does not rob a man unjustly; He is the God of justice. You must know that too. So, every wicked act around your life is a direct manifestation of the devil. Jesus came to bring an end to the reign of the wicked and has this to say: All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.

Halleluyah! The enemy doesn't have the final say! The knowledge of this truth should dry your tears. Jesus, our Lord, has the final say on every issue of life.



According to Romans 16:20, our only adversary is the devil, whether he uses human vessels or inanimate objects. He is our only scripturally acknowledged enemy. So, once you know how to deal with him, your life becomes worry-free. Satan is not more powerful than us, as many Christians believe him to be. He has no power over us, as pointed out earlier. He is under our feet, and we are not his equal. Halleluyah! He is under us, to be ordered about and not the other way round. He is beneath, and so should be told what to do at every point in time. He is not superior. That is why Ephesians 4:27 advices us not to give place to the devil. That implies superiority over him. If he were superior, then that admonition would be out of place, since a subordinate cannot but yield to the boss. He stays wherever you put him, and so if you accord him respect as the superior, the opportunist that he is, makes him to grab it! .and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. Ephesians 2:6

Isn't that interesting? The enemy and his cohorts are here and we are up there with Christ, far above them all! Glory, Halleluyah. No devil should disturb your life anymore. God has raised you up with Christ and you are seated with Him, far above all the forces of darkness, their leader inclusive. You are above every wickedness, enchantment, and evil ordinance; all things are under your feet! Whether you fail or succeed depends on you, not the devil, not even God! How I

pray you will give room to the knowledge of this truth in your heart. To0 much glory and authority have been ascribed to the devil. By the election of grace and the lifting power of redemption, all things are under your feet. The devil is powerless, until you give him room.

After the fall of man, God gave the devil freedom, to feed on dust (man), which he did until Christ came and transformed dust into a son, Halleluyah! Now, he cannot feed on any son of God anymore, unless that son allows him, out of ignorance. In Luke 11:21-22 the Bible talks about the strong man and the stronger man. For as long as the latter is out of the scene, the former is lord. But as soon as the stronger man appears, the strong man is overcome and displaced. Jesus is the stronger man, while the devil is the strong man. Jesus said: As the Father has sent me, so send I you (John 17:18 paraphrased). This means that you and are also stronger men, vested with power to lord it over the enemy. Isn't it worthwhile to discover this timeless truth, which will keep the devil permanently under your feet? He can only manifest when you shirk in your responsibilities, as the stronger man. The spoils are yours to divide. Rise up to the occasion. The devil specializes in instilling fear into believers, that is why he roars like a lion. He is not a lion, so don't be intimidated, deal with him instead. I want to show you four simple ways of dealing with him:

i. Understand that you are the stronger man.

ii. Bind him (Matthew 12:29, Mark 3: 27), using the knowledge of the Word of God you have.

iii. Render him powerless by using scriptures to paralyze him. The devil cannot resist the power of the Word of God. As you quote relevant Scriptures to the effect that he hasn't got any power over you, you will be rendering him powerless. Challenge him to his face.

iv. Divide the spoils, prophesy and appropriate the return of whatever he has stolen from you - your marriage, your health, peace, etc. Let me sound a note of warning here.

Obedience to the Word of God is the backbone for a breakthrough. Your obedience to His Word and to His voice must be total, before you can expect to avenge. You must confess only what God's Word says about a particular situation, before your words can matter to the devil.

If you confess negative words, or think thoughts that negate His Word, you will be unable to successfully challenge the devil in your affairs. Obedience to the Word of God imparts authority to the believer to lord it over the devil. Friend, he that touches you touches the very apple of God's eye. You are of God and have therefore overcome the wickedness that is in the world. Amen.


Have respect unto the covenant: for the dark places of the earth are full of the habitations of cruelty. Psalms 74:20 There is a divine coven ant that guarantees a covering for us against the cruelty that is in the world. A covenant, as it were, is a contract agreement involving two parties and guided by certain terms that are binding on both parties. In this case, it is God on one side and the believer on the other. We know from the scriptures that God abides faithful (2 Timothy 2:13). He is unchanging and is constant, as far as His Own part of the covenant is concerned.

Man is the variable party and that is why an unstable man has no hope of enjoying the benefits of the covenant. Believers waver in terms of the covenant mostly because they do not realize that it has so much to offer. God, however, is very reliable and serious about it. That's why He said in Psalms 89:34: My covenant will I not break, nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lips. God is eternally committed to His covenant, and the believer must respond by locating the terms there to and abiding by them. Dear friend, do you know that there is an eternal covering on your head? Only the power that is strong enough to break the covenant of the day and night is strong enough to break the covenant of God with you.

Are you surprised? Don't be, because that is what God says in Jeremiah 33:20-21. Oh that you will appreciate this truth; that as long as day and night run their normal (daily) courses, God's covenant of protection against the devil's wickedness remains in force. Note that there is no mention of the devil in all of these and that is because as far as God is concerned, he is a non-issue. True, he is visiting his Wrath upon creation, but you are spared, halleluyah! You are spared because there is an eternally secured covenant covering for you, and the devil that couldn't stop you from getting saved, cannot stop you rom being preserved from evil.

Let me add here that every Word that proceeds from God is a potential covenant. Halleluyah! Every promise He made in His Word is a covenant, as long as you fulfill your owm side of it. That's what He means in Psalms 89:34, when He said He will not alter anything that proceeds from His mouth. It's as simple as that. Dear friend, God's Word is the carrier of His very person and so is a potential covenant as long as you abide faithful to it, because He is constant. Consider the following scriptures:

But thus saith the Lord, Even the captives of the mighty shall be taken away, and the prey of the terrible shall be delivered: FOR I WILL CONTEND WITH HIM THAT CONTENDETH WITH THEE, and I will save thy children (Emphasis mine).

Isaiah 49:25

And: Behold, all they that were incensed against thee shall be ashamed and confounded: they shall be as nothing; and they that strive with thee shall perish

Isaiah 41:11

Also, "Seeing it is a righteous thing with God to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you. "Thessalonians 1:6

The Word of God is the final authority on any issue, and it has spoken the above truths. Embrace them.



Having established that there is a Covenant over us, let's look at some of the terms involved, as far as our own side is concerned. Since God is a covenant- keeping God, wh0 does not change, what does He expect us to do in order to enjoy this covering? Let's see Psalms 91: Verse 1 says: He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. The first condition is to dwell in God's secret place and that refers to being born again. When an unbeliever appropriates God's Word and allows Jesus to come into his heart, he supernaturally enters into the secret place of God, where the devil can never hurt him. Your sonship registers you tor perpetual triumph over the attacks of the enemy.

It is just like every Israeli today; no matter his learning, he automatically enjoys the covenant God made with Abraham, as soon as he is born. This is an earthly replica of our access to our Father's covenant, which is with as many as are His children, through the new birth in Jesus Christ. Just like God keeps His covenant With the nation of Israel for Abraham's sake, He also keeps His covenant of protection with His children for Jesus' sake. This verse (Psalms 91:l has been misunderstood by many Christians, who think that dwelling in God's secret place means being perfect. No! hat's not so at all. Look at it this way: since you became born again, have you realy become so perfect that you don't require God's grace and His Word to help you become a better Christian? We are changing daily from one level of glory to another, as we seek to conform to the image of Jesus, through the help of the Holy Spirit.

If God waited until we were perfect, before shielding us from the arrows of the enemy, we would all have been dead men by now! That was the problem Job had, that broke the covering upon his head. He thought he and his children needed to be perfect before God could protect them. Fear broke the hedge of protection around him, his family and his possessions.

AS soon as you are saved, you become a member of God's family and God will never allow the devil to prey on you. Some Christians even think that some afflictions they suffer as Christians are because of God's punishment for things they did wrong as unbelievers. Again, this is a lie of the devil. As long as you are born again, you are a part of God's family, a member of His household, and tell me what devil is strong enough to break through God's covering Over you. Every saved person is covered in the secret place of the Almighty. Every child of God is protected from the onslaught of the kingdom of darkness. Live in the consciousness of this truth all the days of your lite. By so doing, you are fulfilling one of the terms that will make the covenant to work for you. The second term of the covenant is found in verse 2: I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will i trust "I will say... " It is not enough to be conscious of dwelling in the secret place of the Almighty, you must keep saying it. Keep saying it that the Lord is your refuge and your fortress. Say it from a heart that is persuaded about it. Keep confessing what God says about you in His Word. Say it to the hearing of the devil and his agents. Say it when things are going Smoothly, and when the devil tries to harass you. Keep saying what God's Word says about your life, your health, your business, your walk with God etc.

Many of the good things I am enjoying now, by the grace of God, I spoke them into being a long time ago. God opened my eyes to this wonderful truth, and I've walked in it over the years. Don't keep mute! Your closed mouth is what is responsible for the beatings you so often receive from the enemy. Oh friend! This point cannot be Over emphasized. In order for you to keep your own side of the covenant ot protection, you must keep confessing the Word of God The Word says: I will say of the Lord. You are meant to keep declaring the power and might of the Lord, to deliver you from the wickedness that is in the world. You are not supposed to be talking about the evil that the devil is perpetrating. As you say of the Lord that He is your refuge and fortress, your shield and buckler, your protector and keeper, the result is in the next verse: Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence. Don't allow the devil to keep you in bondage, by attacking the simplicity of the gospel. Don't be deceived into watering down the import of saying what God says about you. whatever you cannot say, you cannot have. Do you know another immediate. result of confessing the Lord of God as it relates to you: it sparks off angelic intervention. This is because angels hearken not just to His Word, but to the VOICE of His Word (Psalms 103:20). When His Word is given a voice, angels. g0 into operation immediately So, when you lend voice to God's Word, you set angels loose for battle.on your behalf God will turn against your adversaries, when you open your mouth wide and declare His Word. His angels which excel in strength will also "fight to finish" on your behalf In my own life as a believer, I have been a spiritual "loud mouth" as regards saying what the Word of God says. Again and again, I have seen God intervene to back speak fearlessly, even up His Word that to those who oppose me. Let me Cite one of the very many instances. Sometime ago, we were getting set to lay the foundation of one of our churches in the North of Nigeria, when a message came from some government officials that we mustn't go on, because approval had not been given to erect the church building. It was obvious that they were out to make trouble and to disrupt God's work. But I knew better than to stand watching, while the enemy takes the glory. I knew from God's Word that I had to boldly contend for the faith and refuse to be intimidated. So, I got an interpreter to interpret for me while I spoke to all their hearing I knew it was time to make declarations and I proceeded to say, "We are laying the foundation of this house, today, for the rising and falling of many (Luke 2:34| Everyone that is against this house talls for it." They were all hanging around the venue of the ceremony and were well within ear-shot. So, I told the interpreter to say it exactly as I was saying it. also said, "Everyone that is for this house will be built with it." So, when was time to lay the foundation, I again sala, This one is to the falling and rising many, in the name of Jesus. You know something? That was the end of the matter and till today, no one has remembered to disturb the brethren in that place. Beloved, don't keep mute and watch the enemy rob you of what belongs to you. Open your mouth wide and make declarations from a heart full of trust and confidence, lest the covenant covering upon you becomes ineffective. God forbid! The third term of the covenant is found in Psalms 91:14. It says: Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set

him on high, because he hath known my name. In order to enjoy the provisions of the covenant of covering you must keep loving God. Love God with the whole of your heart. Love His Word, love His house, love His work, His kingdom business and love His presence.

If you do so and also desire to please Him, then God says He will deliver you from trouble. When God is able to see in you a heart-that longs after Him, when He sees that He is uppermost in your plans and thoughts, then will He be provoked to make good His Word concerning you, He will go all out to see to it that He spares you, because you have.set your love upon Him (see Malachi 3:17).



I want to show you another dimension of the covenant, which we have access to, by virtue of our new birth in Christ. It is the Abrahamic covenant. In Genesis 12:3, God said to Abraham (the father of faith who pleased Him):

And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. God means to say in this covenant that "I guarantee you a covering against the wickedness .anyone intends against you, I will turn it back to him.

Now, how does that relate to us Galatians 3:14 provides the answer. It says: That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith. The verse before it tells us of Christ's work of redemption that has made verse 14 applicable to us. So, Jesus' death brought us into the Abrahamic covenant, among other things. Not only did Jesus rescue us from sin, He got us grafted into the Abrahamic covenant, which basically guarantees us a covering against the forces of wickedness. Isn't that wonderful? He said: "I will bless whosoever blesses you and Curse whosoever curses you!

We need to let God loose to do just that, because many of us are too pious for that kind of battle. Remember though, that no gentleman has any hope.of returning from the war front! You can't be more righteous than God, who says that it is part of His righteousness to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you (2 Thessalonians1:6). Give Cod a chance to curse those that curse you, that the blessing of Abraham might remain in you and so that the death of Christ will not be in vain in your life. Beloved, this is God's concern and determination; this is God's plan. Look at what Isaiah said: For I am the Lord thy God, the holy One of Israel, thy Saviour: I gave Egypt for thy ransom, Ethiopia and Seba for thee. Since thou wast precious in my sight thou hast been honourable, and I have loved thee: therefore will I give men for thee, and people for thy life

Isaiah 43:3-4  You are probably wondering why some Christians still suffer all forms of wickedness in the hands of the devil. It is because they allow him to afflict them. They don't realize that there is a covenant that is in force on their behalf, which they must consciously walk into. It could even be that they don't believe God's Word enough to appropriate it as it is.

God says you are precious in His sight and that He loves you. So, He is ready to give men's lives in exchange for yours, if they won't stop disturbing you. That's great and we must begin to allow God to make good His Word, s0 that the evil that abounds in the world will not touch us.

The Bible declares that: The wicked shall be a ransom for the righteous and the transgressor for the upright Proverbs 21:18 Need I say anything more? Friend, tell God exactly what you want, He is the God of vengeance. Stop watching the devil rob you of what belongs to you. You are a covenant child of God; you are supposed to remain unscratched in all of the wickedness that's in the world. Don't give in to fear because it is the snare of the devil. He is under you and only makes empty threats; he is a toothless bulldog! You have overcome through Jesus Christ our Saviour. God has not left you comfortless in this wicked world. You are covered!



There is nothing greater than the truth, which is what sets free. Without the knowledge of the truth, you'll be groping in the dark, not knowing what step to take next. It's like using the wrong key to unlock a door; it could be very frustrating. That is why you must open up for the truth of God's Word concerning how to do battle with prophecy, so that the divine covering on your head will not be broken by your carelessness and lack of knowledge. Ephesians 6:12 establishes the truth that we are engaged in spiritual warfare. It says: For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places at verse says "we The first phrase in wrestle... " This connotes a state of perpetual confrontation. Day and night, we are engaged in warfare and it takes training in the Word of God to triumph. When Abraham was going to battle in Genesis 14:14, the Bible tells us that he armed his trained men. The Psalmist says: He teacheth my hands to war, so that a bow of steel is broken by mine arms. Psalms 18:34

Pursuing the enemy without a proper training by God, amounts to risking your life. You must be trained and taught or God, to know how to subdue the enemy Via prophecy, because the warfare is real and it is raging continually. Thank God The hand of the Lord was upon me, and carried me out in the spirit of the Lord, and set me down in the midst of the valley which was full of bones. Verse 2 makes us to understand that the bones were very dry. Now this was a most hopeless situation, humanly speaking.

The valley was full of very dry bones. Dryness talks about lifelessness and helplessness. Remember, however, " the hand of the Lord was upon Ezekiel." That is the most effective state to be, for prophecies to take place and to have effect. Being in the Spirit of the Lord is the right springboard for doing prophetic battles.

Every time the Spirit of the Lord comes upon you, you have an initiation into the prophetic realm of doing battles. Verse 4 says: Again he said unto me, prophesy upon these bones and say unto them, O ye dry bones, hear the word of the Lord. What Ezekiel held in his hands was the Word of the Lord. That was the substance of his subsequent declarations: "Hear ye the Word of the Lord." He spoke God's Word to the hopeless situation. When you are confronted with an act of wickedness from the enemy, speak the Word of the Lord. Speaking the Word of God to situations amounts to prophesying to those situations. Many of us know how to talk to God, majority of us even know how to talk to the devil, but very few Christians know that it takes addressing the very dry bones, for life to come upon them. There was no mention of the devil here. The bones were said to be very dry, but who made them dry? That did not come up for mention either, because it is of no importance. The important thing is to speak the Word of the Lord against every negative situation in your life. Verse 7 says: So I prophesied as I was commanded: and as I prophesied, there was a noise and behold a shaking, and the bones came together, bone to his bone.

Did you notice the immediate response to Ezekiel's prophecy? He didn't pray, he didn't weep, he merely did as he was commanded - he prophesied and the result was instantaneous! You need to be able to differentiate between the time to pray and the time to simply make declarations, based on God's Word. The bones were scattered and lifeless, but Ezekiel prophesied, the bones came together, preceded by a great noise and a shaking. The Lord said to me, "This is the missing axe head that makes many believers struggle through life, instead of triumphing as contained in the covenant." Prophecy makes for sweatless triumph over the enemy's devices. No stronghold of wickedness can resist the power of prophecy, as you declare God's Word from a convinced heart. Verse 8 tells us that sinews and flesh came upon the bones and so did skin, but they were lifeless. He was told to prophesy again in verse 9, but this time, to the winds to breathe upon the lifeless bodies, so they'll live. He did in verse 10: So I prophesied as he commanded me, and the breath came into them, and they lived and stood up on their feet, an exceeding great army.

The Bible says in Isaiah 1 verse 19, If you be willing and obedient, you will eat the good of the land. Obey God's Word today and prophesy to your spiritual life, your marriage, etc, and see life surging through them again. Ezekiel prophesied to the winds and exceeding worthlessness became greatness. If you know how to use this weapon of prophecy, out of your seeming worthless situation will come forth greatness. Prophesy to that embarrassing Situation, it is not of God. Prophecy will bring you into your covenant with God and separate you from a confused world. The reason you have been held down for this long is because you haven't known the right step to take about the negative Situations confronting you. Jesus said: For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart...he shall have whatsoever he saith. Mark 11:23 You have an open cheque; fill in exactly what you desire. Don't stare at the mountain and don't retreat either. Instead, "Say unto the mountain." Prophesy unto it by declaring God's Word concerning you in relation to it. Remember, we saw that Ezekiel was in the Spirit of the Lord when he made those declarations that worked so powerfully. What then does it mean to be in the Spirit of the Lord? It simply means to be spiritually minded and act as God commands one. So, when you want to prophesy against situations in your life, you speak words that God commands you to speak, words that do not negate His Word. You declare exactly what God has said concerning that situation. You are not speaking mere words, for the letter killeth, but the Spirit giveth life. The foundation for doing prophetic battles is to come alive spiritually and know what it means to carry God's presence. Be so spiritually sensitive that you know when God's hand is upon you and when He's leading you to take a step or speak a word. This happens as you tarry in God's presence and get addicted to studying His Word for instruction.

Declarations made under such divine circumstances cannot but produce in line with the Word of God. There is this song we used to sing: "Every time I feel the Spirit moving in my heart I will pray." Thank God for prayer, but when the Spirit came upon Ezekiel, he prophesied God's Word as he was commanded, and no wonder he got the overwhelming result he got.

When Saul came in the midst of prophets in 1 Samuel chapter 10, the Spirit of the Lord came upon him and what did he do? He prophesied. Every time you sense the hand of the Lord upon you and you know you are in the Spirit of the Lord, release prophetic utterances to deal with circumstances that come your way. The Word of God has a prophetic nature that makes a mess of life's mountains and negative Circumstances, providing triumph with ease, as it the battles are not real! (See 2 Peter 1:19). The more sure Word of prophecy talked about here causes light to shine forth in your dark areas until it makes a star of you. The word of God is the light that shatters every form of darkness. It has been tried and is pure. God has delivered this great tool of prophecy into your hands, to turn your very dry bones to an exceeding great army. This is your God-designed route to the top.

God's Word is the most sophisticated and effective computer in the world! If you feed it in and call it out, it will answer you and make the devil of no importance in your affairs. This package is yours, lay hold on it, because prophecy is the ladder that takes you to where you are going. So, lend your voice to God's Word.


When we echo God's Word as we prophesy, the following results Will definitely come to pass: The voice of the Lord is powerful; the voice of the Lord is full of majesty. Psalms 29:4 The first result of prophetic utterances for is the release of power accomplishment. God confirms His Word that is spoken from a convinced heart, by making sure that there is accompanying power to accomplish the desired result. He also backs it up with His majesty. Verse 5 says.

The voice of the Lord breaketh the cedars; yea, the Lord breaketh the cedars of Lebanon. The next benefit is that the toughest of cedars will bow to the Word of God. No matter how tough or impossible a situation seems, the Word of God will break it. Nothing can resist the omni potency of His Word, as you say it. All strongholds of lite will surrender and do His will. Verse 6 says: He maketh them also to skip like a calf; Lebanon and Sirion ike a young unicorn. At the sound of the Word of the Lord, every mountain will skip out of sight. They will jump and leap very quickly, never to return. T'hat's not all, verse 7 says: The voice of the Lord divideth the flames of fire, Glory to God, even the fiery furnace set up to consume us will part for us to go through unscratched, at the voice of the Lord! (Remember the three Hebrew boys).No matter what is happening to everyone else in the world, no matter the intensity of heat, you can walk through untouched, via prophecy. It is time for you to begin to believe for your covenant distinction, through prophetic battles. whenever the voice of the Lord is uttered via prophecy, there will be no more tales O woe. Every time His people gather together, they will be speaking of His glory and of His wondrous deeds (verses 8-9). When you say what God says, He becomes committed to its fulfillment. The entire scripture is a prophetic package, sent by God to shatter your darkness and cause your star to rise. The devil came against Jesus with the intention of making Him fall like Adam fell. But Jesus began to shoot arrows of prophecy at the enemy saying, "It is written.. "and before long the devil departed. Anytime you say "It is written.. " or "Thus saith the Lord..." you are shooting arrow at the enemy and he will definitely depart. You don't have to be in a frenzy, close your eyes or even look pious to prophesy. The Word of God that you speak under the influence of the Holy Spirit, by the divine illumination of your inner man is prophecy, and it will liberate you.


Your tongue is a seed of creation that has been programmed to bear fruits for you. Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof Proverbs 18:21 Only those who know and appreciate the use of the tongue can eat the fruit thereof. In the natural, if you don't know how to plant your seed, it will not grow. If you want a maize harvest and you place a seed of maize on your carpet, guess what will happen to it? Your guess is as g0od as mine. How forcible are right words! Job 6:25 Right words are the words, and the truest words are God's Words. When you speak the truth of God's Word, you are sowing seeds of truth that will germinate and bring forth the fruits of your desire. Don't trade this knowledge for anything under the sun. Co-operate with God to plant seeds of His Word via prophecy, and reap a harvest of plenty in God. The prevailing wickedness in the world is under your control; learn to do battle with prophecy and see your star rise to the glory of God..

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